Even the best organised society has to have rules so here they are:
- The club shall be known as "Lee Green Angling Club"
- The object of the club shall be the promotion of course fish angling by club competition or other approved methods.
- Adult membership shall be open to all people over the age of 15 and below normal retirement age at the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- Junior membership shall be open to all member's children and selected other junior anglers under the age of 16 at the date of the Annual General Meeting.
There shall be no more than 6 Junior Members at any time. Junior Members must be accompanied by a responsible adult or guardian at all times.
- Senior membership shall be open to all people over their normal retirement age at the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- All members must be proposed and seconded by a member and elected by a majority of the members present at a meeting before being accepted as a member.
- All members, including Juniors, shall have the right to vote on all club business.
- The Members shall elect Officers and Committee Members bi-annually at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
The Officers of the Club shall consist of:
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Captain
- The Committee shall have the authority to second other committee members as they see fit to fulfil any specific needs which may arise from time to time.
- Meetings shall be held monthly on Tuesdays at 8.00pm. All members to attend at least 6 meetings a year in order to retain their
right to vote
(unusual circumstances will be judged on merit). The quorum for holding a meeting is 6 members.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first convenient Monday in February, this meeting being a culmination of the financial year
so that the accounts of the club can be audited and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
- An annual subscription shall be paid by all members. The amount of this subscription shall be agreed at the AGM or other meeting called for the purpose.
The subscription must be paid in full before the start of the AGM.
- The Lee Green Angling Club, has an Insurance cover with the Meads Sports and Leisure for each ADULT member which covers them for Public Liability
including legal expenses per claim for £2,000,000 and Personal Liability to £100,000 for individual members.
There is a £250 policy excess in respect of Third Party property only.
- The Personal Liability section of the cover shall exclude any liabilities in respect of junior members under the age of 16 years.
(available from the Secretary) IN FULL.
- The club shall have outings on alternate Sundays from March to December where possible.
- No member may fish or pre-bait the match venue within the 48 hours prior to a club outing.
- All members and visitors must carry a valid Environment Agency licence with them at all times when fishing.
- Bookings will be taken at the meeting prior to the outing, or made directly to the Chairman or Treasurer by the Thursday
prior to the outing on a first come first served basis. Priority will be given to members who regularly attend meetings and matches.
- Providing there are sufficient swims available at the venue, members are allowed 2 guests per outing for which they will be held
responsible by the club and which must be booked in advance.
- A surcharge of the price of the day ticket will be made to any member who books but fails to turn up to the venue.
- If a venue is deemed un-fishable for any reason, two committee members and one ordinary member will make a recommendation to be voted upon
by all anglers fishing on that day.
- The Captain will state the time that fishing is to start and cease and any other relevant information needed at each particular venue,
in their absence the decision will rest with the Chairman.
- The limits of the venue will be decided at the meeting prior to the outing.
- On booked lakes or similar waters, matches will be pegged prior to commencement and fishing will not commence until the starting whistle.
- For un-pegged river and canal stretches the limit will be stated. Such matches will be deemed to be a walk-off and competitors may
commence fishing as soon as they are ready.
- All members will respect all rules laid down by the representatives of the venues.
- No member, other than officials for the purpose of pegging, will approach the water until they proceed to their swim after the draw.
- All competitions will be run on a point system as follows.
Position |
Points |
1st |
12 |
2nd |
11 |
3rd |
10 |
4th |
9 |
5th |
8 |
6th |
7 |
7th |
6 |
8th |
5 |
9th |
4 |
10th and lower |
3 if weighed in |
No weight |
1 point |
- At the discretion of the committee, the format for all competitions may be changed to suit circumstances.
- In the event of a draw, the highest aggregate weight over the relevant matches will be used as a decider.
- Club Championship
Will be awarded to the member who has the highest number of points from their top 18 results over the course of the year.
In the event of a draw, the highest aggregate weight over those 18 matches will be used as a decider.
- Singles Knockout
Pairs of anglers to fish against each other drawn at the beginning of the season to be fished in a single match knockout.
Winner with the highest weight goes into the next round.
- Doubles Knockout
Double pairs of anglers to fish against another pair drawn at the beginning of the season to be fished in a single match knockout.
The winning pair with the highest combined weight goes into the next round.
- Team Competition
Two teams to be fished in competition. Team captains to be the top points winners from the previous season.
3rd to 12th places to be spread between teams other team members to be drawn by appointed officials.
2 points to the winning team and 1 point to the second team.
- Captains Shield
The captain's shield is awarded to the winner of the captain's competition.
All members wishing to enter this competition shall be drawn into 4 groups each group member to fish against each other over a period of the first 12 outings.
- First Round
Points awarded dependant on finishing position on each outing i.e. highest position to get points equal to the number of members in the group.
Lowest position 1 point.
Points totalled after 12 outings to get winner and runner-up in each group.
- Second Round
The winner of Group A will fish against runner up of Group C
the runner up of Group A will fish against winner of Group C
the winner of Group B will fish against runner up of Group D
the runner up of Group B will fish against the winner of Group D
in a knockout match to be held on outing 14.
- Third Round
The winner of Group A will fish against the winner of Group C
the winner of Group B will fish against the winner of Group D
in a knockout match to be held on outing 16.
The final match to be held on outing 18.
In the event of a draw occurring, at any stage in the competition, a fish-off will take place between rounds.
- The Competition Secretary shall be the custodian of all cups and trophies. All such awards remain the property of the club.
Winners shall hold awards for 1 year and will be responsible for their safekeeping and return to the club by the last meeting prior to the AGM.
- The final decision on the specimen fish cup will be at the discretion of the competition secretary.
- No member shall receive an award unless their subscription is fully paid.
- A peg is 3 feet either side of where the peg is put by the captain of the day.
- On still waters your swim is halfway between you and the persons next to you.
- On moving water i.e. rivers your swim is 1 yard above your peg down to 1 yard above the next peg.
- All members must draw a peg number. Rivers will be deemed a walk-off caller to be the highest number. No passing the number in front.
There should be a minimum of 10 yards between swims, where possible.
- On lakes, members must only fish the limits of their own swim. Halfway to the next peg either side and halfway across the lake.
- The changing of swims will only be allowed when the swim is deemed un-fishable by 2 committee members and where alternative swims are available.
- Where fishery rules allow, members may fish with 2 rods unless the Captain specifies otherwise.
Where 2 rods are allowed only one may be used for ledgering or feeder fishing of any kind.
- Two keepnets at least are to be used and must be 10ft or longer in length with a carp safe bottom.
- Subject to fishery rules, any fish over 15 lbs must be taken to the appointed scalesmen for weighing and not put into a keepnet.
- Fish are to be weighed in by official scalesmen at the members swim and witnessed by a member. No member may weigh in their own catch.
- All fish must be returned to the peg from where they were caught.
- Unattended lines must not be left in the water at any time.
- No gorge tackle.
- No fixed method rig may be used.
- A Method rig can be used semi-fixed at the bottom end only, using a swivel and silicone tubing with a stopper bead a minimum of 12 inches above the feeder.
If method feeder is fixed to main line top end only, then paternoster rules applies, any feeder used must be able to fall off the line should a line-break occur.
- Only barbless hooks may be used unless otherwise stipulated by fishery rules.
- Where pike are accidentally caught on normal tackle during the course of a match their weight will count in full.
- Where an angler deliberately fishes for pike in the course of a match the weight of any pike caught will count as one third of its weight.
- No spinning or lure fishing is allowed.
- Before the starting time or whistle the water must NOT be broken except to plumb the depth or clip the line. If clipping the line, no bait to be in the feeder and no hook attached.
- Ground bait is not to be used until after the starting whistle.
- Feeding only between start and finish whistles. No feeding during mid-match break times.
- Electronic bite alarms, depth finders and bait boats are not allowed.
- Any breach of the General Match Rules may result in disqualification. Any complaints regarding a members conduct during a match should be firstly raised with the Captain on the day. If a satisfactory solution cannot be found, it should be referred to the Chairman or failing that, raised at the next meeting.
- There is a keepnet weight limit of 50lbs with a leeway of 10lbs. Any keepnet over 60lbs will not count.
- Members and guests must respect all properties. No dogs, fires, radios, fighting, bad language, litter, ill treatment of birds, animals or flora and fauna are not allowed.
- The committee may fine or expel any member or guest proven to have committed such a breach of rules.
